PWR! Parkinson Research Database
We have a research database overflowing with entries that we use to inform our programming, workshops, and gym practices. We frequently update it and it is searchable too!
Read MorePWR!Moves Certified Therapist Workshop: July 9 & 10
Mark your calendars for our July 9 & 10th PWR!Moves Certified Therapist Workshop! Register here:
Read MorePWR!Moves Instructor Certification Workshop: June 25-26
Register now for our PWR!Moves Instructor Certification Workshop on June 25th and 26th!
Read MoreQuality of Life and Parkinson
QOL is one of hundreds of medical acronyms, but at the end of the day, it’s the most important one. Quality of Life should be the driving purpose behind every medical intervention; yet many people with Parkinson’s find that appointments and prescribed exercises have become their life. How do you manage Parkinson’s rather than letting it manage you?
Learn more here:
Read More360 Guided Plan & Coupon Extended
We’ve extended our discount for the PWR! Virtual Experience just in time to take advantage of our new 360 Guided Plan. Sign up now and save 50%!
Read MorePWR! Wellness Series: Clinical Trials and Parkinson Disease
Deep Brain Stimulation is currently the gold standard surgical treatment for Parkinson’s Disease. Biological treatments such as gene therapy and cell transplantation for Parkinson’s disease have been explored in clinical trials over the last two decades. We will review the current status of these clinical trials, as well as future directions for biological approaches to treat Parkinson’s disease.
Register here:
Read MorePWR! and Amazon Smile
Did you know you can donate to PWR! while you shop on Amazon at no additional cost to you? Every little bit helps make a difference in the lives of people with Parkinson and it is very much appreciated!
Read MoreParkinson Awareness Month
While Parkinson Awareness Month is drawing to a close, we know, unfortunately, that Parkinson Disease will not end as easily yet. At PWR!, we are here for you and your clients every day. Come join us!
Read MoreLive Classes!
There are many benefits to attending our live PWR!Moves Classes! The timing can’t get any better to join either since there’s a 50% discount for new members
Read MorePWR! Plans
We offer PWR!Moves Guided Plans with varied intensities and a full calendar of classes to keep you PWR! Moving! You can even check out another free video here:
Read MorePWR!Moves 360 Guided Plan
We’ve got a new PWR!Moves 360 Guided Plan. Try out our High Intensity Strength 2- Upper Body class for free with Jennifer from the PWR!Gym. This is our high intensity version. come back next week and we’ll offer a free low intensity class to try
Read MoreNow hiring PT and OT at Parkinson Wellness Recovery
Greetings from the team at Parkinson Wellness Recovery in Tucson, Arizona! We are looking for energetic and innovative physical and occupational therapists to work at the PWR!Gym in Tucson, Arizona and we would love to have you apply. Our physical and occupational therapists work together to provide holistic, comprehensive care for our clients with Parkinson…
Read MoreShow Your PWR!Moves
The PWR!Moves are so important in everyday life. Keep up with your PWR!Moves!
Read MoreSpecial Offer–Sign up Today!
Discount the first few months of yourmembership: 50% off your first 3 months of continuous membership. Sign up today using coupon code “AWARENESS2022”
This coupon code expires on April 31, 2022. No cash value. *New Memberships Only
This is a $75.00 to $280.00 discount depending on which membership you choose!
Don’t miss it. A multi-month discount. Wow!
Read MoreSummer PWR!Moves Workshops
We’ve opened many new PWR!Moves Workshops! Register for yours today here:
Read MoreJoin our PWR!Moves Challenge for Parkinson Awareness Month!
April is Parkinson Awareness Month, and we want to invite you to participate in a challenge. We want to see how you (or your clients, or your friends, or your family) PWR! Up.
Read MorePulling Up the Blankets Using the PWR!Moves
Follow Calli as she shows you how to use PWR!Moves to help you pull those tangled blankets up in bed
Read MorePWR!Moves Workshops
We have scheduled many PWR!Moves Workshops. This includes a PWR!Moves Certified Therapist Workshop on Labor Day Week-end! Check them out and register here:
Read MorePWR! Wellness Series
Join us for our April PWR! Wellness Series as Jennifer Bazan-Wigle, PT, DPT, CEEAA® for answers all your questions about Balance! April 20th, 4:30 PM AZ time. Sign up here:
Read MoreMay 14-15th PWR!Moves Certified Therapist Workshop!
Mark your calendars for our May 14-15th PWR!Moves Certified Therapist Workshop!
#pwr4life #parkinson #physicaltherapists #occupationaltherapists #pwrworkshops
Read MoreMay 2nd PWR!Moves Therapist Recertification Workshop
Mark your calendars for our May 2nd PWR!Moves Therapist Recertification Workshop!
Read MorePWR! Retreat
Our PWR! Retreat is currently full, but we have opened a waitlist
After two years without the Retreat, your response has been overwhelming! We are officially on a waitlist. If you have started the registration process but have not yet turned in all your documents, we encourage you to turn them in right away. We will be taking a waitlist for any possible openings. Please don’t wait! Your spot is not confirmed until you have completed the registration process and we have received your payment.
Read MoreApps to help you get more out of your exercise!
Calli shares two of her favorite apps to help you get the more out of your exercise. Plus, they are both free!
Read MoreFor our PWR! Virtual Experience Members:
Cat has three things she tells us about Freezing of Gait in order to avoid freezing in the first place. While you’re there, download our tips for Falling and Freezing for members.
Read MoreIntroducing the Parkinson Research Database
We are excited to offer you a searchable database of the working body of research that Dr. Farley and the PWR! team use to inform our programming, workshops, and gym practices.
It is an ever-growing database of research that informs our programming. In fact, Dr. Farley’s own research is part of the database too. It is searchable by topic, name, and includes hyperlinks to where these resources can be accessed. This is a great resource for PWR!Moves certified professionals, students/recent grads
Read MoreDaylight Savings Time
When the rest of the USA will be springing forward this Sunday, Arizona will not. For those who are outside of Arizona, please be aware of this in regards to your PWR! Workshops and PWR! Exercise Classes
Read MorePWR! Retreat
The 2022 PWR! Retreat is open for registration! Sign up here:
Learn about the synergistic relationship between exercise and medication and how together they can help you achieve the best level of physical fitness, function, and quality of life that is possible. Find out how to recognize when you may need to start medications or talk to your doctor to optimize your current medications.
Read MoreHow to Use the PWR!Up to Put on Clothing
Join Calli as she shows you how to use your PWR!Up movements to put on your clothes with greater ease.
Read MoreMarch 19 -20 PWR!Moves Instructor Certification Workshop
Time is running out to attend our PWR!Moves Instructor Certification Workshop on March 19th and 20th!
Read MorePWR!Moves Certified Therapist Workshop (April 2-3, 2022)
Don’t forget to register for our PWR!Moves Certified Therapist Workshop on April 2 and 3!
Read MoreMarch 7th PWR!Moves Recertification Workshop
There’s still time to attend our March 7th PWR!Moves Recertification Workshop. Register now!
Read MoreMarch 19 – 20 PWR!Moves Instructor Certification Workshop
There’s still time to attend our PWR!Moves Instructor Certification Workshop on March 19th and 20th!
Read MorePWR! Occupational Therapy Services
Welcome to Lisa Walters, Parkinson Wellness Recovery’s new occupational therapist, shares what OT is, and how they can help you live a high-quality life!
Don’t miss out on a fresh start in our PWR! Virtual Membership! Sign up today using
coupon code: “FRESHSTART2022” and save 50% off your first 3 months
Read MoreNormalize Walking with Urban Poling
Join us to discover why clients with Parkinson Disease describe the use of evidence-based Activator Poles as being life-changing!
Read MorePWR! Wellness Series: Reiki, Breath, and Health
Don’t forget our PWR! Wellness Series: Reiki, Breath, and Health is on Wednesday, February 16th at 4:30 PM!
Read more and sign up here:
PWR!Moves Certified Professionals and PWR! Wellness Consultations
We want you to have Parkinson’s-focused evaluations, and we have the tools to aid you in finding the help you need!
Find a PWR!Moves Certified Professional here:
Sign up for a PWR! Wellness Consultation here:
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