Rolling over in bed with stiffness and rigidity – PWR! Move of the Month

Due to stiffness, rigidity and difficulty sequencing rolling over in bed can be problematic. This can contribute to poor sleep and make it hard to get in and out of bed. The Move of the Month is actually a functional flow (linking several PWR!Moves together in a sequence) to help you roll over more easily. Start on your belly in a Prone PWR!Up, elbows under shoulders and chest lifted. Slide one arm under the other to roll onto your side. Open the opposite arm up and over to bring you to your back, arms in a “T” position. PWR! Twist to bring palms together back to side lying position. Continue to bring yourself to the starting position of prone PWR!Up. Repeat on each side or continue in the same direction to make one full roll.
Thank you Nancy Nelson. For more about Nancy, visit her directory here.