World Parkinson Congress – Comparing forward and backward walking speeds

Delanee Schwartz thesis project presented at World Parkinson Congress 2019

“Comparing forward and backward walking speeds with age and disease severity in persons with Parkinson disease.”  



Becky Farley, PT, MS, PhD; Delanee Schwartz BS; Valerie Carter, DPT; Tarang Jain, PT, PhD

Parkinson Wellness Recovery, Tucson, Arizona; Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona


Delanee graduated the University of Arizona in May 2019 with a dual major in Neuroscience and Physiology with minors in biochemistry and nutrition,  graduating with honors in neuroscience.  She spent the last two semesters analyzing data and writing her thesis, as well as helping out at the PWR!Gym and volunteering in our group exercise classes.   Over the summer, PWR! will be submitting the results of her efforts as a manuscript to a physical therapy journal.  Delanee also spent time writing curriculum and volunteering for three years with the “Brain Bus” – a mobile neuroscience laboratory teaching the Southern AZ community about topics about brain development, nutrition, physical activity, the aging brain and more!  It is a project sponsored by the EACH BRAIN MATTERS FOUNDATION, a nonprofit created by the staff at the Center for Neurosciences. She continues to volunteer with the “Brain Bus” in writing curriculum.


Although she will be unable to attend the World Parkinson Congress in Kyoto, Japan June 3-5, one of the authors, Dr. Valerie Carter, will be presenting on all our behalf.  Dr. Carter is also a physical therapist, a certified PWR!Moves therapist,  and clinical professor at NAU in Flagstaff, AZ.


We are so excited about Delanee’s future to see what she does next!  We love educating all these future healthcare, fitness, medical professionals about Parkinson disease and what a difference lifelong access to exercise and wellness can make in the lives of PwP!!


The poster will be presented in the New Hall, Session 2 June 6th, 2019 in the Clinical Science, Rehabilitation Services (PT, OT, SLP) For more information, page 97 in the WPC2019 Program here.


Link to Poster Version April 22nd, 2019. Finalized poster to be presented at WPC 2019.

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