PWR! Community Member Highlight

Our Community Member Highlight

Craig Caesar first came to the PWR!Gym in August of 2014.  He had been wheelchair bound for quite a while. He began working one on one with our Physical Therapists, Jennifer and Emily, as he did not meet the criteria for group classes. One day, he looked into the Gym at a PWR!MOVES class and said, “I want to be in that class”. Through lots of hard work and the motivation to improve his mobility and quality of life, Craig joined the Moves class the following spring. He is at the PWR!Gym 4 days a week…three days for class and one day of therapy with either Jennifer or Emily. Craig has become a shining example for the power of evidence based, Parkinson specific exercise. As Jennifer says, “Craig exemplifies the highest level of “body and brain potential”! He is an inspiration to myself and everyone who has seen him work in both rehab and class over the last 4 years. Professionally, he demonstrates that when both aerobic and skill training is applied, the brain can be up-regulated – no matter where you are in the progression of Parkinson disease!”

In addition to the work he does at the PWR!Gym, he works with an OT, our very own Andrea Kress, at the VA. The strong family support from his brothers David and Michael and sister-in-law Shirley is invaluable. Although they live out of state, they manage his schedule, transportation and make regular visits. We are so grateful to have Craig and his family as part of our PWR! Family!