Amy Dendas, BS, NASM-CPT, CES, FST

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Amy Dendas, BS, NASM-CPT, CES, FST Amy Dendas, BS, NASM-CPT, CES, FST

Amy Dendas, BS, NASM-CPT, CES, FST

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About you
I am 50 years old and have been a trainer and nutritionist for 19 years. I have also worked as a physical therapy aide in many PT offices for the same length of time. I received my BS degree in Nutrition from Chico State in 1999. In 2020 I got certified by Stretch To Win in Fascial Stretch Therapy. Currently, I am not in the gym industry anymore. I am currently working at a golf course selling golf memberships and actually have two past Parkinson"s clients who are also golf members at the golf course I work at.
My husband is a Neuro Physical Therapist, and I worked as an aide and trainer at his clinic. But my interest in Parkinson"s came after a friend of mine was diagnosed with Parkinson"s. Then the man who was running our local Rock Steady Program was looking to give it up, and he came walking into the gym I had worked at since we had a punch room. I gladly took on the class and taught it up until I left that gym. Then the local support group director said she wanted to start a local class at a church that could be offered free or on a donation basis. I knew I needed more expertise on this subject of Parkinson"s and Kim Hawkins suggested I look into PWR!Moves, and so I did!


Services Offered
I teach the 4th Thursday for the Redding Parkinson"s Support Group at a church in Anderson, CA. Kim Hawkins is the director of our local chapter.


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