Join our PWR!Moves Challenge for Parkinson Awareness Month!

April is Parkinson Awareness Month, and we want to invite you to participate in a challenge. We want to see how you (or your clients, or your friends, or your family) PWR! Up.

Count for us, how many PWR! Ups can you accomplish moving from sitting to standing in a 60 second period? Count how many you can do in a 60 second period (with great form, no cheating!) from the beginning of the month to the end of the month.

We want to see those videos of you challenging yourself, your clients, and your family members to PWR! Up for Parkinson Awareness Month with the PWR! Up Challenge. Who can do the most??

Make sure you share on social media with the hashtag #PWRMovesChallenge.

We can’t wait to see how many PWR! Ups YOU can do!!