Thank You! Thank You!

Recently, we read the news of Neil Diamond announcing he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. We want to thank all of those who took the time to inform Mr. Diamond about PWR!Moves and Parkinson Wellness Recovery. We saw the many posts and discussions on social media recommending our program. We send our best to Mr. Diamond. And Yes, we agree Mr. Diamond would benefit immensely by having a PWR! Surge week at the gym to delay his symptoms. Thank you everyone for sharing the message that you can use PWR!Moves to GET BETTER and STAY BETTER with Exercise!

We also heard that Barbara in Fort Collins is supporting the PWR!Gym by reaching out to Therapists in her area to encourage them to get trained in PWR!Moves. Thank you Barbara!

“Barbara has been given new life and new purpose: To spread the word that there is hope through exercise for persons with Parkinson’s disease. . .So passionate about her sudden discovery, Smith returned to Fort Collins and called every listing in the phone book associated with occupational therapy, physical therapy or fitness instruction to tell them about the upcoming training.”