PWR! Welcomes Distinguished Guests from China

Dr. Tianyu Jiang, Associate Chief Physician (PLA Hospital in Beijing), is working to develop PD-specialized programs and care in his community.  Dandan Liu, a nurse on his team, accompanied Dr. Jiang to learn about integrating rehabilitation with Parkinson’s specific exercise.  They attended PWR! workshops, spent time learning from staff at the PWR!Gym in Tucson, AZ, as well as other clinicians at the University of AZ, The Muhammed Ali Parkinson Center and Banner order effexor xr online Neuro Wellness Center in Phoenix.  They also shadowed Dr. Claire McLean, PWR! Faculty, at her practice in California.  Their hope is to provide group programming and develop additional resources for their patients in China.   They also took time to visit some Arizona treasures, including Sedona and the Grand Canyon.  We look forward to hearing all about their adventures – and maybe visiting them in China some day!